ESMO rintasyövän hoitosuositus


European Society of Medical Oncology on julkaissut päivitetyn rintasyövän hoitosuosituksen

Hoitosuositus on vapaasti ladattavissa Annals of Oncologyn sivuilta.


Päivitetty kainalokirurgian suositus sivulla 1201.


• SLNB, rather than full nodal clearance, is the standard of care for axillary staging in early, clinically node-negative breast cancer [II, A].

• Further axillary surgery following positive SLNB is not required in case of low axillary disease burden (micrometa- stases or 1–2 SLNs containing metastases, treated with post- operative tangential breast RT) [II, A].

• Axillary radiation is a valid alternative in patients with posi- tive SLNB, irrespective of the type of breast surgery [II, A]."

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